Sabtu 25 Oct 2014 16:57 WIB

Muslim figure praises Jokowi's moves in selecting ministers

Syafii Maarif
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Syafii Maarif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MAGELANG - President Joko Widodo's decision to involve the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Financial Transactions Analysis and Reports Center (PPATK) in the formation of his cabinet was praised by a respected Islamic figure.

"I think his move was very smart athough many people diapprove," Syafii Maarif, former general chairman of one of the country's biggest Islamic organizations, Muhammadiyah, said on Saturday.

He made the statement after speaking before an inter-faith congress held by the Semarang archdiocese in Muntilan, Central Java, on Saturday. Maarif noted that the move was very good and that the ministers marked red and yellow by the KPK must not be made part of the cabinet. On assumptions that the decision made by the president to involve the KPK and the PPATK had delayed the formation of cabinet for too long, Maarif pointed out that it would not be a problem once the people were given an explanation.

"I do not think it will be a problem as the president has 14 days to form his cabinet as per the law, and it has only been a week since his inauguration," he explained.

The Islamic figure also expressed hope that the cabinet lineup is announced soon and that it should be finalized by next week. Furthermore, Semarang archbishop, Mgr. Johannes Pujasumarta, shared Syafii Maarif's views and stated that President Jokowi did not make a decision alone but involved trusted institutions in selecting the candidates, as well.

"I hope President Jokowi's government is well supported by really competent ministers," he added.

Moreover, President Jokowi was scheduled to meet with the leadership of the House of Representatives (DPR) on Saturday to discuss its recommendations with regard to his plan to change the nomenclature of some ministries. However, the meeting was cancelled as the DPR leadership had to attend an event celebrating the Islamic New Year.

The meeting has been rescheduled to Sunday, ahead of the planned announcement of the cabinet on Monday. Until now, President Jokowi had been waiting for the recommendations of the DPR and the results of the examinations of the track records of potential candidates from the KPK and the PPATK. The results of the KPK and the PPATK background checks have already been submitted to the president.

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