Rabu 29 Oct 2014 23:56 WIB

Five factions of Red White Coalition (KMP) to lead House Commissions

A plenary session at parliament building in Senayan, Jakarta (illustration)
A plenary session at parliament building in Senayan, Jakarta (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Five factions of the Red-White Coalition (KMP) were elected to lead the commissions of the House of Representatives (DPR) during the election of commission leadership at the parliament building on Wednesday.

The five factions included those of the Golkar Party, the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra) Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), and the Democratic Party (PD).

Three deputy house speakers, Fadli Zon of the Gerindra faction, Fahri Hamzah of the PKS faction and Agus Hermanto of the PD faction, led the session, during which the chiefs of 10 of the 11 commissions in the parliament were elected.

Only members of five divisions of the Red-White coalition were present at the session. Members of the other five factions---the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), the National Awakening Party (PKB), the National Democratic Party (NasDem), the People's Conscience (Hanura) Party, and the United Development Party (PPP) --did not show up at the meeting.


Commission I:

Mahfudz Shiddiq of the PKS faction was re-elected to lead the commission. Shiddiq was the chairman of House Commission I in the 2009-2014 period. Tantowi Yahya of the Golkar Party division, Hanafi Rais of the PAN division, and Asril Tanjung of the Gerindra division were elected as the deputy chairmen.


Commission II:

Rambe Kamarulzaman of the Golkar Party faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. The deputy chairmen elected were Riza Patria of the Gerindra section, Wahidin Halim of the PD section, and Mustafa Kamal of the PKS section.


Commission III:

Aziz Syamsuddin of the Golkar Party faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. The deputy chairmen elected were Desmond J Mahesa of Gerindra, Benny K Harman of the PD, and Nur Fahri Harahap of the PAN faction.


Commission IV:

Edi of the Gerindra faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. The deputy chairpersons elected were Siti Hediati Harijadi alias Titiek Soeharto of the Golkar Party division, Herman Khaeron of the PD division and Viva Yoga Mauladi of the PAN division.


Commission VI:

Achmad Hafidz of the PAN faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. Dodi Reza Alex Noerdin of the Golkar Party faction, Heri Gunawan of the Gerindra faction, and Azam Azman Natawijaya of the PD faction were elected as the deputy chairmen.


Commission VII:

Kardaya Warnika of the Gerindra faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. Satya Yudha of the Golkar Party faction, Mulyadi of the PD faction, Thamsil Linrung of the PKS faction were elected as the deputy chairpersons.


Commission VIII;

Saleh Partaonan Daulay of the PAN faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. Deding Ishak of the Golkar Party faction, Sodik Nudjahid of the Gerindra faction, and Ledia H Amaliah of the PKS faction were elected as the deputy chairpersons.


Commission IX:

Yusuf Macan Effendi or Dede Yusuf of the PD faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. Syamsul Bachri of the Golkar Party faction, Pius Lustrilanang of the Gerindra faction, and Asman Abnur of the PAN faction were elected as the deputy chairmen.


Commission X:

Teuku Riefky Harsya of the PD faction was elected as the chairman of the commission. The deputy chairmen elected were Ridwan Hisjam of the Golkar Party faction, Nuroji of the Gerindra faction, and Sohibul Iman of the PKS faction.


Commission XI:

No chairman and deputy chairmen were appointed as the meeting was adjourned until Thursday.

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