Rabu 19 Nov 2014 15:03 WIB

Minister Susi to launch special card for fishermen

Rep: c85/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Indonesian fishery product including shrimp has a huge potential to enter international market. (illustration)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan Hidayat
Indonesian fishery product including shrimp has a huge potential to enter international market. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Maritime and Fishery Affairs Susi Pudjiastuti plans to launch a card for fishermen. The card will protect fishermen from negative impact of fuel price hike.

"We are still working on the card," Minister Pudjiastuti said on Tuesday, November 18. The ministry is researching the amount of qualified fishers who will obtain the card.

Director General of the ministry Syarif Widjaja said the card, incorporated with national banks, would be like ATM card. "They will get money every month. If they didn't go fishing, they would not receive the money in the following month," he said.

Minister Pudjiastuti has raised the idea of the card several weeks ago, but the idea was shadowed by three social security cards launched by President Joko Widodo, namely Smart Indonesia Card (KIP), Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), and Prosperous Family Saving Card (KKS).


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