Kamis 20 Nov 2014 21:34 WIB

KPK grills Hajj Service's Director of Religious Affairs Ministry

Foto: Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) interrogated Hajj Service Director of the Religious Affairs Ministry Sri Ilham Lubis for his alleged involvement in a graft case related to Hajj management for the 2012-2013 period.

"He (Sri Ilham Lubis) was grilled for his involvement with suspect Suryadharma Ali (SDA)," the KPK's Head of Media and Information, Priharsa Nugraha, stated here on Thursday (20/11).

SDA was the former religious affairs minister in the Hajj management during the 2012-2013 period.

On arrival at the KPK's office, he refused to give any comments to the press.

Earlier, KPK's Deputy Chairman Zulkarnain remarked that the investigation into the Hajj case had been broadened to cover the 2010-2011 period as they had come across some corruption evidences.

"We (KPK) exposed the case and concentrated on the 2012-2013 period, but after the investigation, it traced back to the prior period. There are some evidences in the 2010-2011 period," he noted.

However, Zulkarnain refused to divulge further details about the KPK's findings in the Hajj management corruption case in the 2010-2011 period.

The KPK suspects some violations in the Hajj management during former minister SDA's administrative term during the 2012-2013 period, including the Hajj operator and lodging, transportation, and accommodation for the pilgrims in Saudi Arabia that reached Rp1 trillion.

SDA allegedly misused his position to take his family, senior officials from the Religious Affairs Ministry, and lawmakers to the Hajj pilgrimage, when in fact; the Hajj quota must be prioritized for the people who had been waiting for years.

SDA took 34 people to the Hajj pilgrimage, which included his family members (wife Wardhatul Asriah and his son-in-law Rendhika Deniardy Harsono) and also some members of the United Development Party (PPP), SDA's supporter party.

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