Kamis 04 Dec 2014 18:03 WIB

Government must fulfill basic needs of people

Foto: Republika/Yasin Habibi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government should focus on developing infrastructure to meet basic service needs, said Suahasil Nazara, the Policy work group coordinator of the National Team for Accelerating Poverty Reduction, Ministry of National Development.

"Of the several sections in infrastructure that the government should focus on, the most important one is to fulfill the basic needs of the people," he stated here on Thursday (4/12).

He added that basic services include reliable and efficient power supply for the electrification of houses and villages.

Another basic service is to provide clean water for the people. "We expect the government to ensure 100 percent access to clean water," he remarked.

The professor with the University of Indonesia emphasized that the government should fulfill the people's requirement for homes. It should also realize the goal of cities without slums. The residences should be equipped with supporting facilities and a long-term sustainable, efficient, and accountable payment system.

Another sector that needs focus is utilizing nuclear energy as an option for generating power. "Providing basic needs is necessary as better infrastructure will ultimately improve the competitiveness of the national economy.

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