Jumat 05 Dec 2014 17:17 WIB

Govt says imported mobile phone must meet Indonesian standard

Rep: c78/Satya Festiani/ Red: Yeyen Rostiyani
Mobile phones are displayed in a counter in Jakarta. (illustration)
Foto: Antara/M Agung Rajasa
Mobile phones are displayed in a counter in Jakarta. (illustration)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Every mobile phone imported to Indonesia must meet the standard called Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Government claimed that the policy aims to protect consumers's rights.

"We have set technical requirements for cell phone business," Director General of Standardization and Consumer Protection at the Ministry of Trade, Widodo SH, said on Thursday, December 4.

The ministry visited a giant electronic mall called ITC Roxy Mas yesterday to inform the sellers on label and manual guarantee. They ensured that the phone sold in Indonesia met the standard.

The requirements of standard mobile phone are set by the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, while the technicality is in National Standardization Agency (BSN). The imported phone must be certified. Certification can be obtained after calibration in ISO accredited laboratories and evaluation in Certification Agency. "Certification is based on Minister of Communications and Informatics Decree No. 18/2014," he said.

The certificate must be attached to the label. The certificate is valid for three years and may be extended based on regulation.

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