Jumat 09 Jan 2015 01:51 WIB

Minister: Indonesia will not lessen its engagement with the world

Rep: Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marshdi (right) speaks befor the press on Wednesday, Oct 29, 2014.
Foto: Antara/Widodo S Jusuf
Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marshdi (right) speaks befor the press on Wednesday, Oct 29, 2014.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi stated that Indonesia would not lessen its engagement with the world. Her statement is following concern that Indonesia will turn its back from the international arena.

"As a middle power country, witha population of about 250 million, as the world’s third largest democracy, as the country with the largest Muslim population, as the largest ASEAN country and as a G-20 member, Indonesia will continue to play an appropriate role on the regional and global stage," Minister Marsudi said during annual press statement on Thursday, January 8.

Indonesia's foreign policy will still prioritize ASEAN. Through ASEAN, Indonesia will continue to actively engage for the full and effective implementation of Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DoC), as well as the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (CoC).

To maintain regional stability, Indonesia urges all countries to refrain from the use of force or the threat of force. Indonesia will uphold peaceful means and respect for the principles of international law, including the UNCLOS 1982, in settling disputes.

Indonesia will continue its active role in achieving the ASEAN Community and in preparing the post-2015 ASEAN Community vision. Several priorities that need to be immediately pursued with respect to ASEAN are the SEANWFZ Protocol, and strengthening the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR). In order to realize the Maritime Fulcrum vision, Indonesia‘s diplomacy will encourage maritime cooperation through various ASEAN mechanisms.

In 2015, Indonesia will host the 60th Commemorative Summit of the Asia-Africa Conference. This commemoration is an initiative to reinvigorate the spirit of South-South cooperation and its contributions to the world.

Indonesia will also continue to support the Palestinian struggle to establish an independent and sovereign state, and weactively call for other countries to recognize Palestinian independence.

By the end of 2015, Indonesia will assume its chairmanship of IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association). During its chairmanship, Indonesia will focus and encourage maritime cooperation, in line with its national agenda as a maritime nation.

The South Pacific is also a strategic region for Indonesia. Indonesia will develop new areas of cooperation, such as democratization, fisheries, youth and sports, and culture. Indonesia has allocated 20 million USD to support its capacity building program for the countries of the Pacific region for 2015-2019.

Indonesia is known as one of the significant contributors to the United Nations peace and security missions. To date, Indonesia is the 16th biggest contributor to these missions with a contribution of 1,843 personnel. By 2019, this will increase to 4,000 personnel, also referred to as the "Vision 4000 Peacekeepers."

Indonesia will continue to actively address the issue of irregular migration through the "Bali Process" cooperation mechanism. Indonesia reiterates that addressing this issue requires close cooperation among countries of origin, transit and destination.

With the completion of the MDGs in 2015, Indonesia will maintain its active role in the process of formulating the Post-2015 Development Agenda to ensure a world free from extreme poverty, and to implement sustainable development.

With regards to climate change, Indonesia has actively participated in the 20th Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Lima, Peru, and will continue to actively participate in COP-21 in Paris, France, to prepare new agreements on climate change that will be formulated in 2015 and enter into force in 2020.

Indonesia will continue to utilize the nation’s assets, namely democracy and pluralism, in conducting our diplomacy.

Indonesia’s re-election as member on the UN Human Rights Council 2015-2017 reaffirms the recognition by the international community of our commitment and contributions to the promotion and protection of human rights.

Indonesia will also continue its bid for election as non-permanent member on the UN Security Council for the term 2019-2020.

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