Sabtu 10 Jan 2015 17:41 WIB

Govt provides additional budget to three ministries

Rep: Satria Kartika Yudha/Satya Festiani/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Government gives additional budget to three ministries from fiscal room. The recent step on revoking subsidy for 88-octane Premium fuel adds the fiscal room up to 230 trillion IDR.

Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro said the budget for subsidy in 2015 revised draft of state budget was only 81 trillion IDR, far decreased from the previous which mounted to 276 trillion IDR. Thus, government has 230 trillion fiscal room, but most of them will be used to pay Pertamina and PLN loan. The remaining fiscal room is 155 trillion IDR.

"Three ministries have additional budget, namely Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Ministry of Transportation, and Ministry of Agriculture," Minister Brodjonegoro said recently.

Ministry of Public Works and Housing has 33 trillion additional budget, while Ministry of Transportation and Ministry of Agriculture each have 20 trillion IDR and 16 trillion IDR. "Other ministries also have additional budget but not as much as the three ministries," he said.

The three ministries become priority as President Joko Widodo's visions are food sovereignty, infrastructure and creative industry. Ministry of Public Works and Housing will focus on building irrigation, connectivity and housing. Ministry of Transportation will build railway outside Java Island and enhance the quality of airports. Ministry of Agriculture will procure more seeds and fertilizer.

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