Rabu 14 Jan 2015 20:33 WIB

No more delays, Ahok says about monorail project

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Prayogi/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The regional government of Jakarta does not want to see the stoppage of the development of the Jakarta monorail project, Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has said.

The governor made the statement after a meeting with PT Adhi Karya at the City Hall on Tuesday (13/1).

"We do no want the Jakarta Monorail Project to be halted again such as when it was developed by PT Jakarta Monorail in the past several years. So, for the next development plan, we will set requirements for its construction," the governor said.

Ahok, as the governor popularly called, said he would not object to it if interested developers want to carry out the project as long as they are prepared to meet to conditions.

The Jakarta Regional Government has outlined several requirements to be met by PT Adhi Karya if it plans to build Jakarta's monorail system, stated Ahok regarding the desire of PT Adhi Karaya to continue the project.

"They want to build a monorail system in Jakarta, but I told them that developing it could not be carried out in a simple way as there are several conditions that must be met," the governor stated.

He remarked that Adhi Karya had to meet at least two conditions, which should be stated in an agreement document, before it could be permitted to carry out monorail development in Jakarta.

Ahok, revealed that according to the first condition, if the work on the project is stopped during the construction process, then all structures that have been erected would become the property of the Jakarta government.

The second condition is that if Adhi Karya incurred losses during the commercial operations and stopped it, the Jakarta regional government will then have no obligation to refund the cost of the project.

"After that, we will have the right to take over the operations of the monorail project," the governor remarked.

During the meeting, Ahok said, PT Adhi Kayra wanted to build the project with three routes, namely the Bekasi-Cawang, Cibubur-Cawang and the Cawang-Kuningan sactions.

"But want to see first its business plan whether it is in line with our calculations or not. We discuss the business aspect first then proceed to the technical aspect," the governor stressed.

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