Jumat 23 Jan 2015 09:35 WIB

Ministry of Foreign Affairs focused on improving Indonesia's economic diplomacy

Retno LP Marsudi
Foto: Antara/Andika Wahyu
Retno LP Marsudi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is set to improve economic diplomacy by forming a task force.

"The Economic Diplomacy Task Force is our priority and we have conducted a lot of study about that," spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arrmanatha Nasir said here on Thursday (22/1).

Following instructions from Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi, Indonesian representatives abroad have been actively and regularly conducting market research.

"Indonesian representatives abroad have been conducting market research to find out economic opportunities for the country's businesses. They will submit their study report to the center to be followed up," he added.

He revealed that the Economic Diplomacy Task Force has been creating a database of policies and trade regulations in other countries.

"We will examine whether or not those regulations are in line with the World Trade Organization's rules, because certain regulations can endanger Indonesian markets," he affirmed.

With this study, the government can take concrete steps to promote Indonesian products in markets abroad.

Head of the Policy Development of the American-European Region Leo Hutabarat stated that the study report by the Economic Diplomacy Task Force chaired by the Deputy Foreign Minister has been submitted to the leaders of state-owned companies, the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the CEO of a national company.

"Businesses can tell the task force about obstacles and their expansion interests," he emphasized.

He said Foreign Affairs Minister Retno LP Marsudi has confirmed that the ministry will be proactive in pursuing economic diplomacy abroad.

"The ministry will facilitate partnerships between Indonesian businesses and stakeholders abroad," he noted.

He added that the Economic Diplomacy Task Force is closely related to four sectors, namely trade, tourism, investment, and development cooperation.

sumber : Antara
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