Senin 26 Jan 2015 21:45 WIB

Minister Susi will boost marine and fisheries exports

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Susi Pudjiastuti
Susi Pudjiastuti

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti will boost exports in the marine and fisheries sector so that Indonesia will become number one at least in Southeast Asia.

"Our exports do not match the geographical advantages of our country. Indonesia has the longest coastline in the world, but our exports occupy only the fifth position in Southeast Asia," Susi Pudjiastuti said while attending a working meeting with the Commission IV of the House of Representatives here on Monday.

Describing it a contradiction, Susi stated that the ministry will take reformative measures in the marine and fisheries sector.

She mentioned the vision of President Joko Widodo to make Indonesia a World Maritime Shaft and the marine sector as the future of the nation.