Kamis 29 Jan 2015 17:00 WIB

Minister: International community interested in hatched fish farming

Indroyono Soesilo (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)
Indroyono Soesilo (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The international community has expressed interest in hatched fish farming, which has globally developed as compared to the free catch fishery industry, according to Indonesian Maritime Coordinating Minister Indroyono Soesilo.

"The production of the free catch fishery industry in the recent ten years has been stagnant. However, the hatched fishery farming industry's development has increased 8 percent per year," Indroyono stated here on Thursday.

The minister noted that the fish farming industry contributes 60 million tons to the 148 million tons of total international fishery production. In the meantime, the catch fishery industry contributes 88 million tons of the total number.

Indroyono pointed out that the increase in global population from 7 billion to 9 million by 2050 will push fish consumption, thereby creating self-supporting fishery production that will enhance national food security.

Moreover, Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel said his ministry is chalking out the design and mapping for investment in the fish farming industry.

"Indonesia should manage fish farming to accommodate the needs of the domestic and international market," Gobel noted.

Minister Gobel said the government has cautioned that some of the fish catch entering the international market has been illegal poached from Indonesian waters.

The Fishery and Maritime Ministry has supported the fish-farming industry in several regions across Indonesia to enhance its self-sufficiency through the use of fish seeds, particularly for the various types of fish that are in demand in the country.

"Indonesia has several main types of fresh water fish, including nila fish, cat fish, and patin fish. We will also develop seeds for other main varieties, including vaname lobster," Farming Fishery Director General of the Fishery and Maritime Ministry Slamet Soebjakto stated.

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