Selasa 03 Feb 2015 23:35 WIB

Ministry to increase PNPB from forest utilization

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Adhi Wicaksono

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Environment and Forestry Ministry is planning to increase non-tax state revenues (PNPB) in 2015 by Rp500 billion from the utilization of forest area during a meeting with the House of Representatives' Budget Committee here on Monday.

According to the ministry, the increase will raise its PNPB to Rp4.7 trillion in 2015 from Rp4.2 trillion in the previous year.

To obtain the extra revenue, the ministry will issue more forest utilization permits.

The target of Rp4.7 trillion is based on the assumption that the timber production will reach 10 million cu meters, consisting of 9 million cu meters from natural wood production and one million cu meters from timber utilization licenses.