Senin 09 Feb 2015 21:00 WIB

Floods submerge several houses in Bandarlampung

Foto: REUTERS/Erik De Castro

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDAR LAMPUNG -- Several houses were flooded in Kalibalau village, Kedamaian sub-district, Bandarlampung municipality, Lampung Province, on Monday, following incessant heavy rains since Sunday.

At least 80 houses were inundated as the Balau River overflowed its banks, stated Agus Taufik, Kalibalau village head.

The local authorities have deployed rubber boats to evacuate the flood victims to higher grounds and provide relief aid.

"We still need clothes and food for the upcoming days because most of their belongings were swept away by the floods," he said.

Currently, several provinces are experiencing flooding and landslides as the rainy season peaks in February.

In Jakarta, incessant heavy rains have triggered floods in at least 49 locations on Monday, according to the Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Office (BPBD).

"The ongoing heavy rains since Sunday evening until this morning have inundated 49 locations throughout Jakarta," Bambang Suryaputra of the BPBD stated.

Of the 49 flood-affected locations, 22 are in Central Jakarta, in Jalan MH Thamrin, Cempaka Baru, Ahmad Yani, Kwitang Raya,Majapahit, Budi Kemuliaan, Percetakan Negara, Jalan Cempaka Putih Tengah, and Senen Raya, among several others.

The Jakarta authorities have been working hard to ensure that they are ready to handle the floods, which are forecast to occur during the peak of the rainy season in February 2015.

Serious preparations are crucial as Jakarta is notorious for its floods during the rainy season. The capital city, with a population of some 10 million, is plagued by chronic flooding.

In Bangka Belitung Province, floods submerged 131 houses in the sub-districts of Koba and Lubuk Besar, Central Bangka District, on Sunday.

The flooding was triggered by incessant heavy rains since Friday, Deputy District Head of Central Bangka Patrianusa Sjahrun said on Sunday.

Floodwaters reaching a height of up to a meter affected tens of villages, including Lubuk Besar, Lubuk Pabrik, Lubuk Lingkuk, and Kulur Ilir villages in the two sub-districts.

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