Ahad 08 Mar 2015 17:15 WIB

Minister to examine land owned by foreigners

Ferry Mursidan Baldan
Foto: Antara/Hafidz Mubarak
Ferry Mursidan Baldan

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDUNG -- Agrarian and Spatial Planning Minister Ferry Musyidan Baldan said he would carry out examinations and collect data on spaces of land owned by foreigners in Indonesia.

"Foreigners may not own any single space of land in Indonesia based on the Constitution," Ferry Mursyidan Baldan said after attending the relaunch of a magazine on the spatial planning in Indonesia here on Sunday (8/3).

He said the examinations would be conducted to assure that there would be no pieces of land under the control of foreigners in the country.

"Based on the international law, only land for residences and offices of foreign ambassadors could be controlled by foreigners," he remarked.

He said that so far many pieces of land, particularly in the tourist destination areas such as in Bali and Lombok, were owned by foreign nationals.

Asked on sanctions that might be given to foreigners owning land in Indonesia, the minister said that there were no sanctions but his ministry would impose a firm regulation.

"We do not need to take sanctions against them but the ownership would be diverted. We shall ask them if they have wives (Indonesian wives), the ownership will be diverted to their wives, if not, it will be taken over by the state," he said.

He guaranteed that the examinations would be carried out in an orderly manner.

"It will be carried out in an orderly manner to avoid chaos. We are putting it in order, not conducting seizures. So, we hope it would not cause people to be worried only because in the locations there are hotels, restaurants, shops and galleries," the minister said.

sumber : Antara
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