Kamis 12 Mar 2015 14:04 WIB

Financial support for political party, Observer: Forget it!

Foto: Prayogi/Republika

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Political observer from the University of Pelita Harapan (UPH) Victor said political parties did not deserve financial support from the government.

"Just forget the idea as it would not guarantee that political parties would have concern for the interest of the people," Victor said here on Thursday.

Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo has suggested additional financial assistance of Rp1 trillion for political parties.

The idea has drawn pros and cons.

Victor said giving more funds for political parties would give them greater opportunity for corruption.

He said political parties both in the center and regions have been given financial assistance from the state budget, therefore, there is no reason for giving more fund from them.

"The clarity of the conscience of Minister Tjahjo Kumolo and political leaders supporting the idea need to be questioned," he said.

Meanwhile, Ade Irawan from the Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) criticized political parties for lack of transparency in their financial sources.

Many of the cadres of parties did not even know where the money of their parties came from, let alone the public, Ade said.

He said additional financial support for political parties is acceptable but not as much as the minister said.

Fund is already set aside in the state budget for political parties proportional with the votes they garnered in last election, but the fund was considered too small.

The financial assistance of Rp108 per vote is too small, he said, adding ideally the amount is Rp1,000 per vote.

"The budget must be openly accounted for," he said.

Tjahjo said political parties are tools for democratization and for the recruitment of national leaders.

Political parties, however, need tighter control and greater transparency in the spending of the funds, he said.

He said political parties need funds for the education of their cadres and for operations.

However, heavy sanctions should be slapped on any misuse of the fund up to dissolution of parties, he said, adding the Supreme Audit Agency should watch over the use of the fund.

sumber : Antara
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