Jumat 20 Mar 2015 03:30 WIB

Video depicting ISIS-trained children fake: VP

Jusuf Kalla
Foto: ROL/Fian Firatmaja
Jusuf Kalla

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Vice President Jusuf Kalla believes that the video recording depicting children trained by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which was uploaded on the Internet, was engineered.

"I think a certain party has engineered it (the video depicting children trained to fight)," he said in his office here on Thursday.

He added that the video had been engineered for campaigning purposes, and that it had to be countered with a good religious propagation effort, which is considered more effective than violence.

It is unlikely that children are involved in the war because the arms used are too heavy for them to carry, he pointed out.

However, Kalla emphasized the importance of taking precautionary measures to prevent the ideology of the ISIS movement from spreading among both younger and older generations.

According to the vice president, the ISIS ideology must be combated through good religious propagation and explanation.

Furthermore, Indonesia's Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara confirmed recently that his office had already blocked the spread of the ISIS video.

"Its removal by YouTube was done upon our request (and for) the Asia-Pacific region. It was taken down at 13.00 hours yesterday," he affirmed, speaking at the presidential palace compound here on Wednesday.

However, the probability that the content was copied and posted on other websites cannot be ruled out, he noted.

So the minister has appealed to community members to be active and report to the government through various available channels, including his office e-mail address aduankonten@mail.kominfor.go.id if they discover terrorism-laced content.

"If (you) find it, inform us immediately so we can follow it up," he stressed.

Rudiantara remarked that his office had yet to obtain the authority to directly block websites, accounts or content on the Internet that carry messages promoting terrorism. It still carries out the task semi-manually by contacting ISP or the video platform used as the medium.

Only around mid 2015 will the ministry be able to commence blocking undesired content by itself, he stated.

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