Senin 23 Mar 2015 18:35 WIB

Political parties critisized for ambiguity over Jakarta mystery funds

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Syafii Maarif
Syafii Maarif

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The founder of the Maarif Institute, Syafii Maarif, criticized political parties for ambiguity over "Mystery Funds" in the Jakarta city's draft budget.

"Very disappointing the position taken by leaders of political parties, which have become the causes of the problem," Syafii said here on Sunday.

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok) has been in conflict with the city council over the alleged mystery funds (siluman) of around Rp12 trillion.

Ahok also unveiled similar funds included in the city budget in previous years and police already named a number of suspects involved in misuse of budget funds.