Ahad 29 Mar 2015 16:55 WIB

Bekasi ready to host National Sports Week 2016

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BEKASI -- The government of the West Java provincial city of Bekasi has expressed its readiness to host the National Sports Week (PON) 2016, an official said.

"The city of Bekasi is ready to host PON 2016," Head of the Youth, Sports, Culture and Tourism Affairs Office of Bekasi Encu Hermana stated here on Saturday.

According to the official, PON 2016 will be organized in the Bekasi sports stadium, the construction of which is only about halfway through.

"We have set a target of having the Patriot Stadium and Sports Hall functioning for when the PON is scheduled to be held next year. This will ensure that soccer matches and others sporting activities can be held in Bekasi," Hermana pointed out.

The Patriot Stadium can be used for the final football match, he noted.

In addition to various facilities with which the Bekasi stadium is equipped, other amenities, such as a number of five-star hotels, will also be available during the semi-final and final events of PON 2016.

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