Senin 06 Apr 2015 10:31 WIB

43 countries to participate in new Asia-Africa youth Conference

Red: Julkifli Marbun
illustration (Republika/Edi Yusuf)
Foto: Republika/Edi Yusuf
illustration (Republika/Edi Yusuf)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Representatives from 43 countries will participate in New Asia-Africa Youth Conference Plus 2015 to be held in Bandung, West Java, on April 23, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the Asia-Africa Conference (AAC).

All southeast Asian countries will take part in the conference, Tan Taufik Lubis of the conference's organizing committee, said here recently.

Tan Taufik, who is concurrently president of the Indonesian Youths' Islamic Conference Organization, explained the word "Plus" refers to the fact that countries outside Asian and African continents have also been invited to join the conference.

"We also invite youths from Europe, America and Australia, in addition to those from Asia and Africa" he noted.