Selasa 14 Apr 2015 13:10 WIB

One-million-houses project needs synergy among related institutions

Foto: Antara/R. Rekotomo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The one-million-houses program to be launched by President Joko Widodo in late April 2015 will be successful if it can develop a synergy among related institutions, an official has said.

"I am optimistic if the government is supported by the House of Representatives, then funding will be settled as there will be some understanding and coordination with the House's Commission V," the Public Works and Housing Ministry's Director General Maurin Sitorus said in a statement here Monday.

He noted state-owned house developer Perumnas should be strengthened by allocating funds worth Rp1 trillion to it.

Perumnas should also be given one main task: to build houses and apartments for low-income people, he added.

The government has provided Sarana Multigriya Finansial with the capital to strengthen institutions dealing with housing issues.

The project is also supported with funds amounting to Rp3.1 trillion from the Housing Savings Advisory Board for Civil Servants (Bapertarum-PNS).

"The funds have not been used so far. There will also be allocations worth Rp2 trillion from Pensioners' Savings and Rp5.1 trillion from the Housing Funding Liquidity Facility (FLPP)," he explained.

Addressing the media on April 7, Vice-President M Jusuf Kalla stated the One-Million-Houses Project is a huge work, but it has to be done.

The project is expected to significantly reduce slum areas in the country.

Public Works and Housing Minister Basuki Hadimoeljono remarked the One-Million-Houses Program will start simultaneously throughout Indonesia on April 30, 2015.

The program will be launched nationally in Ungaran, Semarang district, Central Java, coinciding with the National Labors' Day.

The minister earlier observed that the government has already earmarked Rp 13 trillion (US$986.4 million) in the state budget besides allotting Rp 500 million from the Social Security Executive Body (BPJS) to build housing units under the program.

sumber : Antara
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