Selasa 21 Apr 2015 14:51 WIB

AAC museum ready to welcome heads of state

illustration  (Republika/Edi Yusuf)
illustration (Republika/Edi Yusuf)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Museum of Asia-Africa Conference (KAA) or Building Independence is ready to welcome the heads of state who will take part in a historical walk down Jl. Asia Afrika here on Friday, (April 24).

"Preparations for the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Asia-Africa Conference (AAC) are almost 100 percent complete," Museum of Asia-Africa Conference Head Thomas Ardian Siregar stated here on Tuesday (21/4).

Ardian remarked that the preparations have been ongoing for the past two months before the culmination of the 60th anniversary of the AAC.

"The building has been renovated since last month. The museum has been painted and its floors have been polished," Ardian revealed.

He noted that during the Bandung historical walk, the leaders of Asian and African countries will walk alongside the ministers and officials from Savoy Homann Hotel to Merdeka Building.

President Joko Widodo will deliver a speech, and it will be followed by representatives from Africa, Asia, and observer countries at Merdeka Building.

The tour will proceed to KAA, which stores and showcases memorabilia.

"There will be a signing of (the guest book) at the Asia Africa Monument, which is built as a symbol of togetherness. The museum is a symbol of togetherness that the leaders of Asia and Africa have a shared commitment," he stated.

In addition, the museum and the local government will also hold a series of other events that will involve the community.

"People can participate and contribute to the AAC. We want the people to celebrate the values of AAC," he said.

Mayor of Bandung, West Java, H. Ridwan Kamil will read the "Dasa Sila Bandung," or the Ten Principles of Bandung, at the peak of the 60th commemoration of the AAC here on Friday.

"Yes, I will read the Dasa Sila Bandung at the Merdeka Building on Friday, (April 24)," Ridwan noted here on Monday.

The mayor has also expressed his readiness to read the Dasa Sila Bandung in English.

As the host of the 60th commemoration of the AAC 2015, Ridwan stated that he felt fortunate to have had the opportunity to organize the historic event.

The mayor expressed hope that the 10th annual event will hold significance for Bandung city, including for the city's residents who will welcome the AAC delegates.

The 60th commemoration of the AAC is also proving to be profitable for Indonesia. Based on a survey conducted by the Tourism Ministry, the country has so far earned Rp480 billion from the event, the mayor noted.

Indonesia has organized a series of events to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the AAC that is being held in Jakarta and Bandung from April 19 to 25, 2015.

Some 32 world leaders are scheduled to attend the AAC Summit on April 22-23. Leaders from Brunei Darussalam, Jordan, Swaziland, China, North Korea, Iran, Madagascar, Malawi, Myanmar, Namibia, Sudan, Timor Leste, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Egypt, Gabon, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Singapore, and Thailand have confirmed their attendance.

Six countries: Algeria, Angola, Liberia, the Philippines, Seychelles, and Zambia will send their deputy heads of state or government.

The first ACC was organized in Bandung, West Java, on April 18-24, 1955, on the initiative of Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), Ceylon (Sri Lanka), India, and Pakistan.

It was viewed as a symbol of liberating the countries from colonialism, besides the resurgence of Asian and African nations.

Some 29 countries representing more than half the world's population had sent their delegates to the conference, which resulted in the "Dasa Sila Bandung" on the Promotion of World Peace and Cooperation.

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