Selasa 21 Apr 2015 18:12 WIB

Minister asks archipelagic countries to strengthen SDGs

Indroyono Soesilo (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Indroyono Soesilo (Republika/Agung Supriyanto)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Archipelagic countries are endeavoring to give global priority status to the maritime sector, including sea and maritime resources, as mentioned in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) after approval from the United Nations General Assembly.

"To gain support, we are inviting archipelagic countries and Indian Ocean countries to join the declaration that will be sent to New York, so that it will be adopted by the member countries of the United Nations," Coordinating Minister of Maritime Affairs Indroyono Soesilo noted here, Tuesday (21/4).

During the 60th commemoration of the Asian-African Conference 2015, Indonesia is organizing a meeting with the Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), and Archipelagic and Oceanic Countries in order to garner their support.

Currently, the United Nations is discussing the Post-2015 SDGs that comprise 17 goals, which are scheduled to be declared by world leaders including Indonesian President Joko Widodo in the United Nations General Assembly.

The minister was optimistic that the meeting will result in the inking of agreements to be delivered to the United Nations headquarters in New York to strengthen the negotiation regarding the Post-2015 SDGs documents.

"The conclusions that we derive during the meeting will be delivered to New York to strengthen the text negotiation that is currently taking place until September," Indroyono revealed.

According to the minister, if Goal 14 is approved, Indonesia and other archipelagic countries can implement programs related to the maritime sector and maintain sustainable marine livelihood as well as establish cooperation.

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