Jumat 01 May 2015 02:17 WIB

Family visits Filipina convict Veloso in Wirogunan penitentiary

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Mary Jane
Foto: antara
Mary Jane

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA -- The family of Filipina convict Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, whose execution was postponed, visited her in Wirogunan Class IIA Penitentiary in Yogyakarta before leaving for the Philippines on Thursday (30/4).

The family, including the convict's ex-husband, their two children and her parents, accompanied by her lawyers and a representative of the Filipino Embassy, visited Wirogunan at 8:20 a.m. local time.

They travelled from Cilacap in Central Java, where they had been awaiting her execution. However, the implementation of Veloso's death sentence was postponed as the government of the Philippines needs her testimony on the drugs syndicate in the country.

Chief of Wirogunan Penitentiary Zaenal Arifin said that Veloso met her family in a special room.