Rabu 06 May 2015 20:33 WIB

Commission III will take over preparation of RUU KUHP

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Azis Syamsudin
Foto: Antara
Azis Syamsudin

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Law Commission of the House of Representatives (DPR) RI will take over the initiative of preparing the Draft of Law (RUU) of the Criminal Code (KUHP). Commission III judge, the government as proposer, become sluggish to accomplishing his tasks in preparing one of the priorities of the draft legislation.

Chairman of Commission III, Azis Syamsudin insisted to this day there has been no commitment from the government to immediately submit an academic paper of RUU KUHP to DPR. "We, in the Commission III has been asked to Kemenkumham (proposer of the RUU)," he said, on Wednesday, May 6.

While members of Commission III, Muhammad Nashir Djamil said that because there is no commitment, then the legislation rooms will take over the rights to propose the RUU.

"If until the next session (May 15) Kemenkumham still does not submit the draft, Commission III will propose its own," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the House Legislation Body (Baleg) Mustopa Saan said the parliament threatened to fail to complete the target of a number of drafts. Almost half of the session of the board members, the legislation institute was only completed two priorities products on 2015. Two legislative products that was later to be revised again.

Though there are 37 RUU are included in the priority national legislation (prolegnas) throughout the trial in 2015. "If this continues, it will not reach the target," he said, when contacted on Wednesday, May 6.

He suggested that the leaders of Parliament must submit to the government, to immediately send each academic of RUU. Similarly, he said, each commission and fractions of RUU initiator.

He said, of the 37 RUU Prolegnas 2015, 11 RUU are proposed by the government. Four of them, is the proposal of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

"The proposers are slow. There must be a breakthrough, in order to harmonize soon," he said.

Saan said, to this day, a new Baleg holds four academic papers and draft priorities. Among other things, the RUU about Savings for Housing (Tapera), RUU about Prohibition of Alcoholic Beverages, RUU about Amendment of Law Number 1/2015 on local elections (Pilkada), and RUU about Amendment of Law Number 23/2014 on Local Government (Pemda).

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