Rabu 06 May 2015 23:14 WIB

Surabaya to become reference city for stroke patients

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: surabaya.or.id

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABYA -- Surabaya city in East Java is ready to become a reference place for stroke patients, now that many hospitals in the city have complete facilities to treat them.

"All 61 hospitals owned by the city government and the private sector in Surabaya have complete facilities to treat patients who suffered a stroke," Head of the Surabaya City Health Office Febria Rachmanita said here on Wednesday (6/5).

Citing an example, she noted that the Dr. Soewandhie General Hospital owned by the city government was preparing a special unit for stroke patients.

"Given the special unit, stroke patients can be treated intensively because they will be separated from patients suffering from other diseases," Rachmanita affirmed.