Selasa 26 May 2015 17:35 WIB

ICW asks Romli to clarify his allegation to ICW

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Donal Fariz
Foto: Republika/ Tahta Aidilla
Donal Fariz

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) asked Romli Atmasasmita to clarify the allegations related to the source of the funds received by this NGO. ICW hoped Romli would say that allegations were not true.

Coordinator of Political Corruption Division of ICW, Donal Fariz, said Romli's allegations that ICW accept projects or funds from the state budget and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was slander. If the professor of the University of Padjadjaran did not clarify the allegations within 3x24 hours, ICW will take legal action.

"We will sue in civil and criminal because his allegation has impact on the contamination of ICW's good name," he said in ICW office, Jakarta, on Tuesday, May 26.

According to Donal, Romli's allegation was totally unfounded. Audit from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) to KPK which made as the allegations by Romli was the audited performance. But, Romli accused that the funds received by ICW from KPK.

"The audit was the performance audit, but he (Romly) accused it’s as funds. It should be used the financial audit, if existed," said Donal.

ICW asked Romi to clarify his allegations through at least five national print media and twitter account @romliatma. If not, ICW will undertake legal action against Romi over alleged defamation.

As is known, through the twitter account @romliatma, Romli pointed out that the ICW accept projects or funds originating from KPK and the state budget. Here Romli's tweeted in her twitter account:

"BPK audit results on the performance of KPK must be opened to the public in accordance with Law of KPK. Including funds used by ICW and anti-corruption NGO Coalition"

"How ICW did not want to admit as a public organization under the law of public organization, but want to accept the project from KPK and KPK's state budget funds? Where is your responsibility??"

"Is the BPK audit was also conducted on the ICW and others anticorruption NGO Coalition as a user of KPK's state budget funds?"

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