Ahad 31 May 2015 21:33 WIB

Lawmaker criticizes TNI’s statement on hijab

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Antara//Irwansyah Putra

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Hijab policy of Women TNI which rectified by Head of information center (Kapuspen) of TNI, Major General M. Fuad Basya was still disappointed by many parties. The rules about allowing women TNI (Kowan TNI) to wear hijab could only applied in Aceh. In fact, the policy should be applicable in all parts of Indonesia. Moreover, Pancasila and the Constitution 45 have guarantees freedom for every citizen of Indonesia to run their religions respectively.

"Pancasila and the Constitution 45 have guaranteed for every citizen of Indonesia for a free-expression the religious rules that they follow, including for people who feel obliged to wear hijab," said Member of Commission I House of Representatives (DPR) Syaiful Bahri Anshori to ROL, on Sunday, May 31.

According to him, the two cornerstone of the nation should be able to prove its manifestations. The government must protect the public in order to be serious and serene in carrying out their religious obligations respectively. He added that, the freedom of use hijab should be able to apply for Women's Corps (kowan) of TNI throughout Indonesia. Allowing in Aceh only would lead to injustice.

"Pancasila and the Constitution 45 not applied for certain areas but shall be run by all Indonesian citizens wherever they are, not just in Aceh," he said.

He appealed that to avoid differences in the rules in all regions of Indonesia. because all citizens have the same opportunities and rights, including the use of hijab in military uniform.

Syaiful’s statement was a form of disappointment over the statement by Major General TNI Kapuspen M. Fuad Basya which was stating that Kowan TNI should not wear hijab except on duty in Aceh.

“If they want to wear hijab, later we will transfer their duty to Aceh. Only in Aceh, Kowan TNI slowed to wear hijab because it was a special request from Aceh,” Fuad said on Tuesday, May 26.

He added, the use of hijab in official uniform is not allowed in areas other than Aceh. There are some things that are still to be considered by military to stand for the policy.

So in fact, he said, members of the military women could wear hijab, but only applies outside the tasks and role as a military officer. When on duty they had to let go of their hijab in accordance with the rules which applicable in the military institution.

Fuad’s statement was an erratum statement of TNI Commander Gen. Moeldoko’s statement which stated that he had no objection if any members of the military womens use hijab. It was delivered while giving a briefing to all soldiers in the hangar Soewondo Air Field, Medan, North Sumatra on Friday, May 22. The statement came out when one military woman asked about uniform for those whom want to use hijab.

"Wear it, we do not forbid it. Were we ever banned the military women to use hijab? It’s up to each person, "said the former chief of army staff.

Moeldoko’s statement previously was getting a lot of supports from various parties, such as Indonesia Ulema Council (MUI), Ministry of Religious Affairs and House of Representatives (DPR). Even DPR urged to immediately issue formal provisions for the use of hijab.

"There should be formal rules for hijab for military women," said member of commission I DPR RI Ahmad Zainuddin on Monday, May 25.

Unfortunately, the good news for the Muslim military women seems could not be realized in the near future due to the erratum statement.

"It is unfortunate. In other countries they could wear hijab. Indonesia as the largest Muslim country should also be able to apply the rules," said Chairman of MUI KH Ma'ruf Amin. According to him, clarification was disappointing people who have expressed support for a positive statement of TNI Commander.

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