Ahad 07 Jun 2015 04:45 WIB

LIPI ready to hold National Science Congress XI

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) will hold the National Science Congress XI (KIPNAS) 2015. This grand event will be held on next October, 8-9. General Secretary of LIPI, Siti Nuramaliati Prijono explained, KIPNAS was an attempt to prepare scientists in facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

"It is a good media for scientists to provide solutions to the strategic and actual problems faced by Indonesia today," said Siti Nuramaliati in LIPI’s office, Jakarta, on Friday, June 5.

Besides KIPNAS, LIPI also explained that they will hold a tribute to the best scientists in 2015. Sarwono Prawihardjo first chairman of LIPI would receive the award. This event was a series of LIPI Birthday 48th events which was also celebrated as the Day of National Technology (Harteknas) on August, 23.

Chairman of LIPI, Iskandar Zulkarnain also mentioned that there was also The 15th Sarwono Memorial Lecture (SML) on the occasion. Iskandar explained that this activity was part of scientific papers done by people whom qualified in their field. In this case, he added, such as scientists, practitioners, experts and public figures who clearly proved had gave their contribution to the development of science of the nation and the state.

On the same occasion, LIPI also revealed that Indonesia will hold Indonesia Science Expo (ISE). This activity was an attempt to show off the results of LIPI’s research and technological innovation.


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