Selasa 09 Jun 2015 15:14 WIB

Constitutional court chief in Spain to explore cooperation

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Arief Hidayat (m)
Foto: Antara/Agung Rajasa
Arief Hidayat (m)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON -- Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK) Chief Professor Dr Arief Hidayat held a recent meeting with Spanish Constitutional Court President Andres Javier Gutierrez Gil in Madrid to explore cooperation between the constitutional courts of the two countries.

Hidayat conveyed an invitation to his Spanish counterpart to participate in an international symposium on constitutional cases, which will be organized in Jakarta, in August 2015, to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK), Nona Siska Noviyanti, third secretary of the Indonesian embassy in Madrid, noted on Tuesday.

The visit to Spain was part of the MK chief's European trip that included Switzerland, Czech, and Hungary.

Accompanied by MK Secretary General Janedri M. Gaffar, Hidayat also held a meeting with the Indonesian community in Spain at the Indonesian embassy in Madrid.