Rabu 17 Jun 2015 00:44 WIB

BIN regeneration can be disrupted

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: [ist]

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo has officially proposed the name of Letnan General (retired) TNI, Sutiyoso, as the new Head of BIN (National Intelligence Agency). However, a number of pros and cons was accompanied the filing of the name of former Jakarta governor. One of the cons was Sutiyoso did not come from internal BIN.

Impartial Director, Al Araf, he admitted a bit regret over Jokowi's decisiom who choose candidates for the Head of BIN which coming from outside BIN. He argued, it would be better if the head candidate comes from internal BIN.

According to him, intelligence was an important asset. There must be a good reward and punishment. If he got a good performance, then the agent could get promoted and eventually served as head of BIN.

"But in fact, the president did not choose this way. The worries, it will interfere with the wheel regeneration and reorganization of the intelligence," said Al Araf in public discussion about Sutiyoso election as head of BIN in Cikini area, Central Jakarta, on Monday, June 15.

Al Araf said, the challenges which will be faced by Sutiyoso was internal consolidation within BIN. He predicted it will take quite a long time.


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