Ahad 21 Jun 2015 09:31 WIB

Minister of Trade makes impromptu visits to markets in Surabaya

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Rachmat Gobel
Foto: Republika/ Yasin Habibi
Rachmat Gobel

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA -- Trade Minister Rachmat Gobel and Governor of East Java Soekarwo made impromptu visits to several markets in Surabaya on Saturday to monitor the prices of basic commodities.

"I am visiting Surabaya to meet with the East Java governor and his ranks and files to conduct impromptu visits to check the current prices of basic commodities," the minister said after conducting an impromptu visit to Wonokromo traditional market on Saturday.

Following the inspection, he affirmed that he did not find any significant rise in the prices of basic commodities and that they were stable.

"The prices of several basic commodities are relatively stable, and food stocks in East Java are adequate," Gobel pointed out.

Food supplies and prices are relatively stable despite the recent increase in food prices. The price hike is not high and is still fair, he added.

"I believe there is no need to worry about shortage of food in East Java during the fasting month and the festivities that follow. The increase in food prices in East Java is still below the national prices," he noted.

During his visit, the trade minister also held a dialog with traders about the latest developments in the prices of basic commodities. He also visited a bazaar held by the East Java office of the national logistics board (Bulog).

At Wonokromo market, IR 64 rice was sold at Rp9,800 to Rp11,000 per kilogram; sugar was sold at Rp12,000 per kilogram; frying oil in bulk at Rp11,000 per liter; beef at Rp98,000 to Rp99,000 per kilogram; and broiler chicken meat at Rp29,000 per kilogram.

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