Selasa 23 Jun 2015 09:56 WIB

Indonesia has big animation potentials

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Animasi Star Wars Rebels
Animasi Star Wars Rebels

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Trade Ministry states that the potential of the domestic animation market is still promising, as Indonesia has a very large market with a population of 253 million people.

"The demand for domestic animation products is very high. But not only in the country, the demand for animation products in foreign markets is even greater, with promising profit," Director General of National Export Development Nus Nuzulia Ishak said here Monday.

She said the potential of the domestic market is very open as indicated by the total population of 253 million of whom 30 percent belong to the middle class. In addition, the country's average economic growth in the last 10 years reaches 6.1 percent.

"The government is optimistic that the Indonesian animation business will grow larger so import demands for movies, video, photography, and animation will decline," Ishak said.

Indonesia's natural and cultural wealth can be inspirations in creating animation works which are more unique from other countries.

"The growth in the number of qualified animators, the increasing number of animation studios, and the development of animation communities show that the creative resources of animation in Indonesia are growing," Ishak said.

Data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) show that the export value of film, video, photography, and animation in 2010 reached Rp595 billion and in 2013 increased to Rp639 billion.

Baros International Animation Festival 2015 will be held in Cimahi, West Java, on October 7 to 10, 2015.

The event aims to show Indonesia's best animation works, and establish the global networking for the animation industry in Indonesia.

Last year the event attracted six thousand visitors and was participated in by 48 animators.

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