Selasa 23 Jun 2015 22:02 WIB

AGO waits for legal process of Mary Jane in the Philippines

Rep: c37/ Red: Satya Festiani
Warga Filipina terpidana hukuman mati kasus penyelundupan narkoba jenis heroin, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (kiri).
Foto: Antara
Warga Filipina terpidana hukuman mati kasus penyelundupan narkoba jenis heroin, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (kiri).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Attorney General's Office is still waiting for the legal process on death row of drug case, Mary Jane in the Philippines.

"We are still waiting for the legal process of Mary Jane in the Philippines, if it's too long we will ask the progress of the case," said Attorney General HM Prasetyo, in AGO's Building, South Jakarta, on Tuesday, June 23.

Mary Jane escaped the stage two of death penalty because of her statement was required to reveal a case in the Philippines. Meanwhile, Head of the Legal and Information Centre of Attorney General, Tony Spontana also said that until now there has been no recent developments related to the legal process.

"Until now there has been no clear update about Mary Jane," said Tony.

Previously, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso was convicted of smuggling 2.6 kilograms of heroin to Jogjakarta, on last April 2010. She was arrested in Adi Sucipto International Airport, and she was sentenced to death in October 2010, and was denied the clemency on December 30, 2014. When she will executed on April 28 last, her death sentence was postponed until an undetermined time.


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