Jumat 03 Jul 2015 07:57 WIB

Observer: Clear regulations needed for biofuel development

Red: Julkifli Marbun
Biofuel (ilustrasi)
Biofuel (ilustrasi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The government needs to issue clear regulations for the development of biofuels, energy observer Lulu Sumarso of Indonesia Institute for Clean Energy said.

"The absence of comprehensive regulations dealing with biofuel from the upstream to downstream sectors will hamper energy development," Sumarso stated here on Thursday.

He noted that the development of bioenergy must be designed on a long-term scheme as it cannot be developed partially and without the support of clear regulations.

According to the energy observer, comprehensive policies incorporating biofuel development at a regional level is needed because the support of regional governments is badly required to facilitate biodiesel marketing.