Senin 13 Jul 2015 21:45 WIB

Long traffic jam in Denpasar coloring Margriet’s pretrial hearing

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Margriet Megawe (Antara/Nyoman Budhiana)
Margriet Megawe (Antara/Nyoman Budhiana)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DENPASAR -- The pretrial hearing of murder and children neglect suspect, Margriet Christina Megawe held on Monday morning, July 13, at the Denpasar District Court. Protocol roads towards the center of Denpasar partially closed and resulted in long traffic jams in Denpasar.

Based on Republika‘s observations in the field, the traffic jam occured from the intersection of Street of Gajah Mada, Tiara Dewata, until General Major Sutoyo leading to the Denpasar District Court building. The line of two-wheeled vehicles and four-wheel were snaking up to one kilometer.

Half of the road in front of the State Court and State Prosecutor of Denpasar which was adjacent closed. Hundreds of pecalang (traditional village security officer) were guarding the security of the trial’s location. Police officers stand guard at some point the road.

Until this news was revealed, four attorneys of Margriet from Hotma Sitompoel & Associates were still reading the petition in front of the presiding judge, Ahmad Peten Sili.

In accordance with a request for a pretrial hearing, the Public Relations of Denpasar District Court, Hasoloan Sianturi said that Margriet’s attorney as the applicant questioned and blamed determination of their client as a child murder suspect.

"They blame the validity of the status determination and the police investigation report (BAP)," said Hasoloan.

The pretrial hearing will be held during the week. In a series of hearings later, the judge will listen to the opinion of the Bali Regional Police’s investigators as the defendant regarding the truth of status determination of the murder suspect based on the procedure or not, and have met two items of evidence in question.

In accordance with the Criminal Code (KUHP), said Hasoloan, pretrial was a supervision institution that was horizontal to check whether its officials had acted in accordance with procedures, so that the trial will not to offend the subject matter of the examination.

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