Kamis 16 Jul 2015 13:26 WIB

Students obliged to sing Indonesia Raya every day

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: citizendaily.net

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel Ministry of Education and Culture, Sumarna Surapranata said, based on Permendikbud Number 21 of 2015 on Strengthening the Character Education, schools must cultivate manners which is conducted through teacher.

"One of them is children in the school shall sing Indonesia Raya each day before starting the lesson. It must be done start the new academic year 2015/2016," said Pranata, on Tuesday, July 14.

Then, he said, at the end of the lesson children should sing folk songs or patriotic songs. Folk songs which could sing were Dandang Gulo, Asmaradana, Pangkur, and other folk songs.

"This needs to be done to preserve the existence of folk songs which are largely forgotten by the children today. The activities are led by students singing alternately to improve leadership. The teacher simply oversees," he said. To play the song itself, said Pranata, could use the gadget.

Indonesia Raya song singing activities must be done by the whole school from early childhood to high school. According to him, the Indonesian national anthem important for character education into their nationalism.

"If there are schools that do not want to sing Indonesia Raya, it will be given a warning, because it mandatory."he said.

In addition, the school also needed to revive takziah (condolence), the attending relatives of the unfortunate. Because, takziah culture was now beginning to fade.

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