Selasa 21 Jul 2015 21:42 WIB

PDIP prepares 241 candidates of regional heads

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Hasto Kristyanto
Foto: Antara
Hasto Kristyanto

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK –- Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) will register the candidate pairs of regional head simultaneously on July, 27. Secretary General of PDIP Hasto Kristyanto said, the selection and verification process of the candidate pairs of his party will end on Saturday, July 25.

He revealed that until this day, his party has set as many as 241 candidate pairs of the 269 regions of local elections 2015. The total, he said to candidates of all levels of the regions. Either the provincial, or regency and city. The candidates were promoted by PDIP without coalition.

"There are 24 regions that do not yet. Especially in West Sumatra is still in process," said Hasto, when met at the opening of Regional Head Candidate School, DPP PDIP, in Depok, West Java (Jabar), on Tuesday, July 21.

He explained that in West Sumatra, there were three executing regions of the elections that the party could not propose the regional head independently. Hasto did not remember which areas in question. But certainly, he said, there were no candidates that did not mean that the party was absent. But, it will participate into one of the supporters of other party’s candidates.

In addition to the West Sumatra, the elections on Medan, PDIP was not the main party. "In West Sumatra especially don’t have the support of seats in parliament. Medan also has not. But mostly (the candidates) which have not been are in the majority of Java," he said.

The local elections 2015 will be held simultaneously on December 9. At the democratic party of the local level, the first stage will begin this week, with the opening of registration for candidate pairs at July 26 to 28.

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