Selasa 21 Jul 2015 21:46 WIB

Minister Tedjo: Home Affairs Minister conducts observation in Tolikara

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno (m)
Foto: Republika/Wihdan H
Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno (m)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Human Rights Edhy Tedjo Purdijatno revealed that at this time Home Affairs Minister, Tjahjo Kumolo, was conducting an observation into the location of unrest in Tolikara, Papua. Tedjo admitted that he kept getting reports from the Home Affairs Ministry regarding the last condition on that place.

In addition, Tedjo explained, at this time, had already been held meeting between the groups that were considered fighting there. Not only that, the laying of the first stone of renovation of mosque 'Baitul Mutaqin', which burned, has also been carried out by local authorities. Then, the communal work was done together with the community and local authorities to clear debris of unrest, which had scorched tens of stalls.

"Hopefully this can all put a damper on the situation," he said after meeting with representatives of Mubaligh Coordinating Board in Indonesia in Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security (Kemenkopolhukam)’s Office, on Tuesday, July 21.

To anticipate action in retaliation for the burning of mosques and a number of stalls in Tolikara during Eid  on July 17, he had sent a circular letter to ministries and relevant institutions, such as Home Affairs Ministry, Religious Affairs Ministry, the National Police Chief, the Military Commander and Chief of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

"To quickly anticipate this situation and provide attention and strict monitoring of worship places, public places, or vital objects in order to be maintained well," he said.

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