Selasa 21 Jul 2015 22:18 WIB

GENAM urged to open branches in Eastern Indonesia

Fahira Idris
Foto: Republika/Agung Supriyanto
Fahira Idris

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- During 2015, the National Anti-Alcohol Movement (GENAM) received a lot of requests to establish chapters or branches in East Indonesia.

The demand comes primarily from residents in North Sulawesi, Bali, East Nusa Tenggara, West Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Maluku, North Maluku, West Papua and Papua.

"A lot of short massages (SMS) and social media messages urging GENAM to descend directly into these areas to socialize the danger of alcohol and established branches. Indeed, most of those who request are parent, but not a few who have the initiative are youth organization that are fed up with habits of young people drinking alcohol in their area," Chairman of GENAM Fahira Idris said to ROL in Jakarta (21/7).

Fahira said, from various reports received, nearly all of them complained about the habit of young people who consider drinking liquor is the symbol of friendship and a sign of maturity. These views are chronic and cling so hard to be separated from the mind, especially the young people there. Several parents had to swallow disappointment because the future of their children damaged by alcohol.

In addition, there is a kind of paradigm that by drinking alcohol until drunk makes a person more confident and able to appear in public. Though in many occasions, a person who dring alcohol even more daring to do criminal act. This condition is supported by easy access to alcohol in their environment.

"They, especially the parents there, are furious to see how easy their children to get alcohol. Due to alcohol, these children are so easily provoked to be involved in brawl and followed by other criminal acts. They asked government to tighten the distribution and sale of alcoholic drinks that are mostly from the island of Java," Fahira said, who also a member of The Regional Representative Council.

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