Rabu 22 Jul 2015 18:02 WIB

IPW urges Komnas HAM and Kompolnas to investigate Tolikara incident

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Neta S Pane
Foto: Ist
Neta S Pane

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Presidium Chairman of the Indonesian Police Watch (IPW) Neta S Pane regretted the statement of National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti who said that 12 people in Tolikara have violated human rights (HAM), and had to be shot by the police officers.

According to him, it was not logical the throw stones conducted by mass, must be response with bullets. Neta explained that Police has a standard operational procedure (SOP) to deal with mass riots.

This includes the use of shields, batons, and tear gas. All that must be done before the police use bullets as weapons. With it, Neta hoped there was a thorough investigation in internal police to investigate whether there was a violation of SOP and human rights in Tolikara incident.

"Don't quickly to say that it has been violating human rights," he told ROL on Tuesday, July 21.

He understand if the statement was revealed by the Police Chief to protect his men. Therefore, investigation of violations of police SOP should also be done by National Commission for Human Rights (Komnas HAM) and National Police Commission (Kompolnas). "Because if the police are investigating, it would not be objective," he said.

As is known, National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti revealed that in the Tolikara case, Papua on Friday, July 17, the police were forced to pull out the gun because they did not heed the warning shot by the officers. When the negotiation efforts made, they continued to push and throwing the stones. Shooting effort was made to enforce the law constitutional.

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