Rabu 22 Jul 2015 18:09 WIB

14 candidates of KPK leaders near to fail

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: i-net

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- A total of 14 of the 48 leaders candidates of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has not signed statement letters to explore their past records. If until Thursday (July 23), 14 candidates have not expressed their willingness in writing, they will automatically fall into the selection of KPK’s leaders candidates.

"Deadline on July 23, the candidates who are not willing to sign statement letters will automatically fail," said Betti Alisjahbana, spokesman of KPK selection committee team when confirmed on Wednesday, July 23.

KPK’s selection committee team has completed the second stage of the selection process. At this stage, the selection committee passed the 48 names of the 194 participants to return following the third stage selection namely the assessment of each participant's profile (profile assessment).

According to Betti, the selection on this stage intended to measure the capacity and capability of each candidate who passed the selection on the second stage. "The goal is to measure the potential and competence of each candidate," she said.

The third stage of selection will be conducted on 27-28 July 2015 at the Training Center of the Health Ministry, Jalan Hang Jebat Raya, Blok F3, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Here's a list of 48 participants who passed the second stage.

1. Ade Maman Suherman, Prof, Dr, SH, MSc (48 years old)

2. Agus Rahardjo, ST, MSc Mgt (59 years old)

3. Agus Rawan, Drs, SH, MM, MSi (60 years old)

4. Alexander Marwata, Ak, SH, CFE (48 years old)

5. Basaria Panjaitan, Brigjen Pol, SH, MH (58 years old)

6. Budi Pribadi, A (51 years old)

7. Budi Santoso, SH, LLM (51 years old)

8. Chesna Fizetty Anwar, BA, MSc (54 years old)

9. Firman Zai, Drs, MSi (58 years old)

10. Firmansjah, Ir, CES (60 years old)

11. Firmansyah TG Satya, SE, MM (50 years old)

12. Giri Suprapdiono, ST, MA (41 years old)

13. Hendardji Soepandji, Mayjen (Purn), Drs, SH (63 years old)

14. Hesti Armiwulan Sochma, Dr Hj, SH (52 years old)

15. Hulman Siregar, SH (53 years old)

16. Indra Utama, SE, MM, CFE (51 years old)

17. Jamin Ginting, Dr, SH, MH (43 years old)

18. Jimly Asshiddiqie, Prof, Dr SH (59 years old)

19. Jimmy M Rifai Gani, BA, MPA (43 years old)

20. Johan Budi Sapto Pribowo, ST (49 years old)

21. Krisnadi Nasution, DR, SH, MH (55 years old)

22. Lalu Suprapta, Drs, MM (61 years old)

23. Laode Muhamad Syarif, PhD (50 years old)

24. Lucky Djuniardi Djani, ST, MPP, PhD (44 years old)

25. Maman Setiaman Partaatmadja, Drs Ak, MPA (63 years old)

26. Moh. Gudono, Prof PhD, CMS, CA (52 years old)

27. Monica Tanuhandaru, SE, MM (45 years old)

28. Mulyanto, Dr (52 years old)

29. Niko Adrian Azwar, SH (44 years old)

30. Nina Nurlina Pramono, SE (57 years old)

31. R Bagus Dwiantho, SH, MH (44 years old)

32. Rodjai S Irawan, SH, MM (59 years old)

33. Roni Ihram Maulana, SE, MM (55 years old)

34. Rooseno, SH, MHum (58 years old)

35. Rudiard M L Tampubolon, Drs Irjen Pol (Purn) (59 years old)

36. Sarwono Sutikno, Dr Eng, CISA, CISSP, CISM (56 years old)

37. Saut Situmorang, Drs MM (56 years old)

38. Sri Harijati P, SH, MM (57 years old)

39. Suhardi, SH (57 years old)

40. Sujanarko, ST, MSE (54 years old)

41. Surya Tjandra, SH, LLM (44 years old)

42. Syahrul Mamma, Irjen Pol Dr Drs, SH, MH (57 years old)

43. Ubaidillah Nugraha, SE, MM (42 years old)

44. Wewe Anggreaningsih, SE, Ak, MSi (51 years old)

45. Y Usfunan, Prof Dr Drs SH, MH (60 years old)

46. Yohanis Anthon Raharusun, Dr, SH, MH (50 years old)

47. Yotje Mende, Drs, SH , MHum (58 years old)

48. Yudi Kristiana, Dr, SH, MHum (44 years old)

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