Jumat 31 Jul 2015 02:25 WIB

ICW says KPK need mentally healthy candidates

Rep: C37/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Febri Hendri
Foto: Antara
Febri Hendri

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Public Services Division Coordinator of Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), Febri Hendri suggested that the Selection Committee Team (Pansel) of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) chose candidates of KPK leaders physically and mentally healthy. Diseases that were likely harm the health both of these should be traced when medical tests.

"Pansel expected not passed the sickly candidates, physical and spiritual health are very important for the future leadership of KPK," said Febri when contacted by ROL, on Thursday, July 30.

In the future, the leadership of KPK will undergo a very heavy task. Without the physical and spiritual health resilience, some issues which approached KPK feared could have an impact for leader’s individual.

If it were so, Febri added, there was the possibility of KPK leaders could not work optimally. "If KPK buffeted by severe problems and the leaders fell ill, of course the institution’s performance will be not maximum. If it were so, it definitely needs a search for new leaders," said Febri.

Therefore, he suggested that medical tests carried out on the August 18 could see the potential for illness of candidates thoroughly. The candidates who have the potential or suffering from chronic health problems, should not be passed to the next stage.

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