Rabu 12 Aug 2015 22:00 WIB

President: Food self-sufficiency must be realized

 President Joko Widodo
Foto: Antara/Widodo S. Jusuf
President Joko Widodo

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- President Joko Widodo said here on Wednesday that self-sufficiency in food is one of the goals that the government has always sought to achieve following Indonesia's independence.

"We have conducted a lot of imports so far. Therefore we would focus in the next three to four years to finish food commodities development efforts. We must have courage to stop imports," he said in an interview with Antara news agency, Televisi Republik Indonesia and Radio Republik Indonesia in connection with the upcoming anniversary of the country's independence on August 17.

President Jokowi as he is also called said that efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in food would not stop after imports of rice end but they will continue until imports of other food products such as sugar, corn, chili and others end.

"We have started (achieving corn-sufficiency). We have started exporting corn this year. This is an opportunity that we can take because demand for corn is huge," he said.

Regarding chili he said Indonesia still imports it but with the government policy that would encourage chili planting and management it is hoped the country would be able to meet its demand in the years to come.

"In the future we must take control of our food commodities, be self-sufficient and only after that can we export them. I am convinced our farmers have been ready. It is only how filed management is carried out," he said.

With regard to build food self-sufficiency President Joko Widodo emphasized the importance of development the supporting infrastructure.

"This year construction of 15 dams will be started and in the next two years' time the results will be seen," he said.

Improving the functions of irrigation networks, dams and dykes is one of the efforts to assure smooth agricultural activities, he said.

"If the water is available we can plant anything we wish," he said.

He however reminded that management must be carried out well and in detail.

"It will be ineffective when we have a dam but the irrigation network does not reach rice fields. This needs total management and supervision. It needs to be done concretely so that it will be useful for the people." he said.

sumber : Antara
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