Kamis 13 Aug 2015 21:34 WIB

Pieter Feith: Aceh should focus on economic growth

Warga berjalan usai menunaikan shalat Jumat di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh.
Foto: Republika/Prayogi
Warga berjalan usai menunaikan shalat Jumat di Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, Banda Aceh.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BANDA ACEH -- Former chairman of Aceh Monitoring Mission Peiter Feith has hoped that the Aceh government to focus on developing its economic sector in effort to support the reintegration program.

"One of efforts to expedite the reintegration is through the economic growth which attracts a lot of investment in Aceh," Feith told the press at Unsyiah University campus here on Wednesday.

Pieter who was accompanied by the Unsyiah rector Prof Samsul Rizal explained that a lot of investment will help provide jobs opportunity.

"Someday all former Free Aceh movement (GAM) combatants should get jobs because Aceh peaceful situation has run ten years," he noted.

Conflict in the resource-rich province which lasted for about thirty years in Aceh ended after the signing of a memorandum of understanding on peace in Helsinki, Finland on August 15, 2005, between the Central Government and Free Aceh Movement.

Feith further said that providing aid little by little is not a good program to achieve the goal, but focusing on economic program is important.

"It means that growing the economy as well as the presence of many investors will open a lot of opportunities in the future," he pointed out.

He believed the Aceh economy will grow better considering that the number of economic potentials can be managed optimally in order to realize the people's welfare in the western-most province.

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