Rabu 19 Aug 2015 22:16 WIB

Minister: Indonesia should not be experiencing malnutrition

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Minister of Health, Nila Djuwita F Moeloek, said that Indonesia should not be experiencing malnutrition. It was because Indonesia is fertile and able to produce nutritious food.

"In this fertile soils, Indonesia doesn’t suppose to have malnutrition,” Nila said, in Jakarta, Wednesday (19/8).

Malnutrition occurred due to lack of public awareness in serving nutrient-rich foods. For instance, many people are unaware that consuming raw tomatoes can prevent non-infect diseases, such as heart disease and others. Moreover, vitamin A in tomatoes is needed.

Most of people firstly cook or boil the tomatoes before eat it. So that the benefit of tomato becomes less.

"Have we ever eat raw tomatoes? Many who don’t know that eating raw tomatoes is good for health,” she added.

Another problem is, people have trouble in getting fresh meat.Even though the price of meat is expensive, nutritional needs of the meat can not be replaced.

“Public can change meat with fishes,” she said.

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