Selasa 25 Aug 2015 04:34 WIB

Meat crisis? Let’s move to fish

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
illustration  (Republika/ Yasin Habibi)
illustration (Republika/ Yasin Habibi)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) needs to promote fish consumption to anticipate meat crisis. "The fish eating program was very effective, it was also applied in other countries," said Chairman of Indonesian Traditional Fishermen Unity (KNTI) Riza Damanik, Monday (24/8).

However, Riza reminded that the fish eating program was to encourage fish consumption, but it was often not accompanied by ability to increase production in fisheries sector.

Previously, Deputy of MPR RI, Mahyudin, argued, that was a strange thing if Indonesia which is widely known by  large natural resources, was experiencing a crisis of meat. "Indonesia is a rich country with natural potential and ability. It is impossible and strange if experiencing meat  crisis," said Mahyudin.

Based on the data obtained by Mahyudin, the cattle population in East Java reached 4 million head.  So that Indonesia should not need to import cattle. The government should have been able to develop cattle farmers in Indonesia and Indonesia does not have to rely on Australia. Earlier, the government is ready to import 300 thousand cattle to overcome the scarcity of supply of meat and to keep price stability.

"For the rest of the year we might be able to import 200 thousand to 300 thousand heads," said Minister of Trade, Thomas Lembong, in Jakarta, Tuesday (18/8).

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