Rabu 02 Sep 2015 16:42 WIB

Massive layoffs can not fix Indonesia economic condition

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  JAKARTA –- Massive layoffs of the workers could not improve condition of Indonesia's economy. Member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Ribka Tjiptaning, said according to a study, the main factor that was causing investors were afraid to come to Indonesia was not the workers.

"The main factor is the uncertainty of the legal issues, while the labor is the ninth factor," she said, Monday (31/8).

Ribka explained that supervision of companies was still very poor, while the number of companies was much more than the supervisor. "The numbers of companies and the supervisor are not balanced, so that violation is potentially happened,” she added.

Currently the threat of layoffs haunted several companies,  not only private companies but also the State Owned Enterprises (BUMN). In fact, it was clearly that BUMN will not suffer losses due to support of the State Budget (APBN).

“If the layoffs occur in a BUMN company, then the private company will do something that is more horrible than that,” she explained.

Rebekah said, the relationship between workes and BUMN companies was not just like a employer and employee, but rather constitutional relationship. Article 27 of UUD 1945 clearly stated that the state or the government is obliged to provide facilities for the manpower and to provide jobs for its citizens to feel safe and comfortable.

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