Kamis 03 Sep 2015 16:59 WIB

New fighter aircraft for Indonesia: Sukhoi-35

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Sukhoi SU-35
Foto: Ausairpower
Sukhoi SU-35

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Ministry of Defense ultimately decided the replacement of fighter aircraft F-5 Tiger. Previously, the Indonesian Air Force had proposed a replacement of fighter aircraft F-5 Tiger because the aircraft was already considered old.

The F-5 Tiger will be replaced by Russian-made, fighter aircraft Sukhoi-35. Planning in purchasing Sukhoi-35 was conveyed by Minister of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu,when performing inspections for Main Equipment Weapon System (Alutsista) at the headquarters of Kopassus, the headquarters of Battalion Cavalry (Yonkaf) I Kostrad and Infantry Battalion (Yonif) Mechanical 201/Jaya Yudha.

According to Ryamizard, the purchasing of Sukhoi-35 has been based on an agreement and study of the Chief  of Air Force Staff, Marshal Agus Supriatna, and the Armed Forces Commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, as the Alutsista users.

“F-5 will be replaced with sukhoi. The Air Force Chief Commander and the Army agreed,” said Ryamizard at the headquarters of the Mechanized Infantry Battalion 201/Yudha Jaya, East Jakarta, Wednesday (2/9).

Furthermore, he explained that Indonesia will buy Sukhoi-35 at least as much as a squadron, consisting of 16 aircrafts. However, this amount will be adjusted to the budget allocation set by the government. The purchase of Sukhoi-35 will be done gradually

Ryamizard added, one reason Indonesia will buy Sukhoi-35, because Indonesia already have Sukhoi, namely SU-27/30. Thus, the technology has been developed and forwarded. He said, the continuation of the purchasing plan of Sukhoi-35 will be followed by the signing of a purchase agreement.

“Probably around these months,” he continued

Nevertheless, he added that the decision to buy Sukhoi will not affect the closeness and relationships with Rusia. Not only from Russia, Indonesia also has plan to buy planes from Boeing, such as Chinook helicopters and transport aircraft such as the Hercules heavyweight.

“There are from Europe, America, and China. We are a neutral country, all countries are friends, no enemies. So we are not siding where we buy everything," he stated.

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