Selasa 08 Sep 2015 23:11 WIB

Jakarta needs 1,000 garbage trucks every day

Rep: C09/ Red: Julkifli Marbun
Foto: Republika/Prayogi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Jakarta Sanitation Department stated that Jakarta needs 1,000 garbage trucks every day to carry garbage in the entire territory of Jakarta, which amounted to 6,700 tons per day.

"Ideally, we should have 1,000 garbage trucks so that all the garbage in Jakarta can be carried on a daily basis. Nowadays, we only have 450 garbage trucks," said Deputy Head of Jakarta Sanitation Department, Ali Maulana Hakim, in Jakarta, Tuesday (8/9).

According to him, by the end of this year, 352 new garbage trucks of various sizes will come to serving the transport of garbage in residential areas. Meanwhile, the remaining 198 units of garbage trucks will be purchased through a budget amendment in 2015.

"Actually, we want to buy 600 units garbage trucks. However, the company stated that it can't provide garbage trucks that much in a months," Ali explained.

Therefore, he expected the procurement of 198 new garbage trucks from 2015 Capital Budget Amendment can be realized. So that by the end of this year, Jakarta has had 1,000 garbage trucks.

"Later, the garbage trucks will be distributed to tribal agencies (sub-department) of sanitation in five areas of Jakarta. The new garbage trucks will replace garbage trucks that are not feasible to operate," he added.

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